If you've already made the sensible decision to use period underwear instead of tampons or pads, you know how important it is to invest in long-lasting products. If you have chosen Gotyu underwear, you may already know that our underwear can last up to 5 years without losing absorbency or quality. Provided you take care of them properly.
Menstrual panties are, above all, cost-effective and ecological period protection because they are reusable. But in order for it to last really long, you have to take care of it. Proper cleaning and care is essential when it comes to using our menstrual underwear for as long as possible. But which detergent should you use for your menstrual panties? How do you rinse it effectively? Can it be washed or dried? You can find all the answers to your questions below! Here are all our tips:
Do your period panties become less absorbent over time?
Our reusable menstrual underwear can hold up to six regular tampons of liquid. Gotyu menstrual products are not only good for your health, but also for our planet. However, so that you can enjoy your menstrual briefs for a long time, you should follow a few simple care instructions. It is not uncommon for the absorption of your menstrual panties to decrease over time. Luckily there is a solution: washing soda .
Washing soda is a commonly used ingredient in homemade household products. Made from calcium carbonate and salt from natural quarries, percarbonate is a cleaner, degreaser and bleaching agent. It is therefore perfect for deep cleaning your period panties. Without discoloring them!
Washing soda is available at every drugstore. You can also find it at your local organic or wholesale store and online.
How do I keep my period panties absorbent longer?
Over time, the pores of your panties can become clogged and therefore less absorbent. No problem, here is the recipe that will save your period underwear:
- Rinse your panties with cold water (no blood should be visible)
- Mix very hot water with a tablespoon of percarbonate
- Wait until the mixture is lukewarm .
- Submerge your panties and let them soak for a few hours or even overnight.
- Wash your menstrual panties (following the instructions below)
How long does period underwear take to dry?
Period underwear should only be line dried. We recommend drying these in the sun if possible as sunlight has natural antimicrobial properties that are good for underwear. On average, it takes 10-12 hours for underwear to dry.
What if I accidentally put my Gotyu period underwear in the dryer?
If you forgot to separate your underwear from the rest of your laundry and threw them in the dryer, there's no need to panic. One or two passes in the dryer will not render them unusable.
But as with bras, while they can survive the dryer, they shouldn't be intentionally thrown in the dryer if you want them to last. The heat attacks the materials of the unique layer system and the absorbency or shape of the briefs can be affected. The special materials of the underwear can quickly be damaged by repeated tumble drying.
Additional washing and care tips
- Hand washing in the sink is a good option as it saves electricity and maintains the elasticity of your period underwear.
- Use only detergent or soap and avoid fabric softener - this is the biggest enemy of your period underwear as it attacks the special technology and natural fibers and leaves a "waterproof" film that can affect the natural absorption properties.
- Do you want your period underwear to dry faster? After washing, speed up the drying process by squeezing the underpants in a towel to absorb excess water before hanging them up.
- If you're using your period underwear for the first time, we recommend starting on a lighter day of your period. This way you can see how you can best use Gotyu's period panties and you'll get used to them very quickly.
If you have any further questions or would like to share your tips with us, we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Reminder: How do you properly wash your period underwear?
- Pre-wash: Rinse after each use (at the end of the day in the shower).
- Hand wash or machine wash: not above 40 degrees. Do not use fabric softeners or bleach! We strongly recommend washing them in the laundry net. **More tips: https://www.gotyu-underwear.com/blogs/news/die-beste-seife-fur-deine-periodenunterwasche**
- Air dry!
Leider riecht meine Periodenunterwäsche auch extrem unangenehm…nach dem waschen riecht sie normal aber sobald ich sie trage stinkt sie wirklich penetrant.Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen das es die anderen Leute nicht riechen, denn ich rieche es bei jeder Bewegung.
Sehr schade und ekelhaft.
Ich hab das Gefühl, bei meinen neuen Periodenunterwäschen, dass gar kein Blut aufgesaugt wird. Bereits nach 2 h hab ich das Gefühl, dass unten alles nass ist. Außerdem “liegt” das ganze Blut unaufgesaugt auf der Oberfläche…
Hab gedacht das mit dem Geruch geht nur mir so. Nach dem Waschen war keiner, aber nachdem ich sie getragen hatte und die Hose wieder in Berührung mit Blut kam.
Ich hab jetzt diese Reinigung mit Einlegen in Waschsoda gemacht und trag sie jetzt danach das erste Mal wieder – riecht nichts mehr.
Kann also empfehlen das mit dem Einlegen in Waschsoda mal zu probieren :)
Ich habe das gleiche Problem. Die Unterwäsche riecht sehr unangenehm. Das einzige, was aktuell hilft:
Erst normal waschen, dann in Essigwasser einlegen und dann nochmal waschen. Steht halt null im Verhältnis… Finde es super schade. Ich habe halt einfach 9 stück daheim… Kann man sich ausrechnen, wie viel Geld da in die Tonne geht.
Ich teste wohl eine andere Marke, in der Hoffnung, dass ich da nicht das Problem habe.
Ich liebe den Tragekomfort und die Einfachheit der Unterwäsche und war sehr froh, diese Empfehlung bekommen zu haben. Jetzt trage ich sie zum vierten Zyklus und habe das gleiche Problem wie viele andere – der Geruch. Es ist wirklich unangenehm und man fühlt sich dadurch automatisch “dreckig” und unwohl. Außerdem habe ich ständig die Befürchtung, dass die Leute um mich herum den Geruch auch bemerken. Anfangs war das nicht so, erst nach dreimal waschen. Schade, dass es hierfür (scheinbar) keine Lösung gibt. Ich werde definitiv keine weiteren kaufen und mich auf die Suche nach einer anderen Marke machen müssen.